Lost Time

No Proust here, just a post about something I experienced yesterday. Not about the bike either, so you could just want to move on… but it is about life and you care about that, right? I’ll move on…

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store for the first time in almost 3 months. The only thing that could make going for groceries worth a sentence, now 2, is this strange altered state I found myself in. I went to the market in the village, a small store but my favorite because it is not overwhelming in choices, but has just enough of the right stuff you actually need. Anyhow, I pull into the parking lot and see pumpkins arranged by the entrance and immediately think, “why are there pumpkins out”? It’s still summer in my mind at times, late July/early August, which is the last time I was there. I really couldn’t make sense of it for a second.

It was so strange! A clear moment for me of how I have been elsewhere, here, but not really here. Maybe because of the concussion I sustained, but more likely because I have lived in this hospital/home recovery state – and the outside world has not been my world. Regardless, I know I am not firmly planted in October. I know, I only have about a week more to get planted, before my ass has to accept it is November!