Painting, Why Not?

Who doesn’t want to paint? No, not that kind of painting, the kind you do on canvas, paper or board or something. Like most people I enjoy looking at paintings, have my favorite style – impressionist – and have many times in my life said, “I wish I could paint”.

I have a 6 year old granddaughter, Isabel, who is quite artistic (said her unbiased grandmother). Since she was old enough to want to, we have drawn pictures, colored, and our favorite to do together – art on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. Isabel always puts me in charge of drawing all flowers because she says I’m better at flowers than people (she’s right, although that’s not saying much).

I bought Isabel an acrylic art set with paints, couple of small canvases, brushes, etc. for her birthday last year and bought myself one too. I put it on my desk, periodically would see it, think about painting, but that’s as far as I got.

About a month ago I got it out, without much thought (and zero knowledge) I painted a couple of flowers (a painter sticks to what they know – lol) and thought they weren’t bad, for someone that can’t paint. The main thing though was that I loved doing it! It was surprisingly very fun and relaxing. As you know if you’ve ever been to this blog before, I ride bikes, and the way I lost myself while painting was similar to the way I lose myself when riding. Just a relaxing, calming escape. What’s bad about that?

I start an online painting course tomorrow (yes you can do that too through the Internet) and will take a class locally at some point if I continue to enjoy it and can keep from taking myself seriously, which shouldn’t be difficult – haha.

As long as I look at painting as something I do for fun, rather than something I do because I’m good at it or have a unique talent for it – because I’m not and don’t, I’ll keep painting. :~)